Nate Henricks
I grew up in the Peoria IL scene in the early 2000's, a very good time for music in the midwest. I've been a participant of some of the USA's BEST musical communities in Peoria, St. Louis, Lawrence, and Denver. MIDWEST BAYBEE.
I cut my teeth as a sound guy at THE SINKHOLE (and FOAM) STL, where I also learned how to mix/master an album. THANKS MATT
I've composed music for New York Time's The Daily, and FX's New York Time's Presents. THANKS ANDY
I've been featured on BB6's Freakzone. THANKS STUART and PETER
and made it onto a WFMU compilation! THANKS IRWIN
Bands I've played in/ friends I've collaborated with include:
I now reside in Catskill, NY, and I'm looking for collaborative work, and more names to add to this list!
I am an involuntary capitalist seeking to pay my bills by employ of socially conscious, inclusive, and listener-driven songwriting/audio services.